This website is published by SAS Château Mondot
597 250 034 RCS Libourne
Intra-Community VAT identification number: FR64 597 250 034
Address: Château Troplong Mondot, 33330 Saint-Émilion
Phone number: +33 5 57 55 32 05
Email address:
Publishing Director: Aymeric de Gironde
Conception: SOWINE
Photos: Cécile Perrinet Lhermitte, Johan Berglund
Videos: Pierre Le Hong, Aurélie Castex, Taylor & Yandell
Hosting: OVH
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In accordance with the amended law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on data processing and freedoms, all Internet users have a right to access, to rectification, erasure or reflect upon their personal data. They can exercise this right at any time alongside the publisher by writing to the following address: Château Troplong Mondot, 33330 Saint-Émilion, or by sending an email to
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In accordance with the applicable legislation on personal data protection, notably the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, any Internet user has a right to access, to modify, erasure his personal data. The user also has a right to oppose his personal data processing, for reasons related to a specific situation, as well as the right to define instructions regarding the future of one’s personal data posthumously.
The visitors of the website may enter their email address in the LOOKBOOK section.
- Where is the data stored? All the email addresses are stored on the WordPress of
Château Troplong Mondot website.
- Who has access to data and why? Only the internal teams of Château Troplong Mondot and the technical team managing the website have access to this email addresses list. The “one and only” goal of this email addresses collection consists of sending a newsletter to inform of the publication of a new article in the LOOKBOOK section on the website.
- Duration of data retention: Château Troplong Mondot undertakes to store data for maximum ten years.
- Safety procedures: see Privacy Policy of
- Transmission or not to third parties and right of restriction: Château Troplong Mondot undertakes that none of these email addresses will be communicated to a third party.
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